Wally Living will craft your very own modern luxury pre-fab, or search for the worst house in the best neighborhood and complete a full gut remodel, anywhere in the US. To start, we just need you to text us the address of the desired plot(s) of land in question, or shoot us a zip code or town, and we will find available land for you. Once found, we will break down the costs and time line to see if it is feasible for you, providing a full presentation within a week of your initial contact. Presentation will consist of a preliminary Wally Design that will be confirmed after a site visit.
The following is a breakdown of our process. Please contact us with any questions and to learn more.
Move in ready 27 weeks from permits. Compare with 100+ weeks with custom construction.
Starting with:
+ Concept – assessment zoning, and code research | 5 weeks
+ Design – Wally Homes are designed with the highest quality and craftsmanship and can be tweaked to your desire | 7 Weeks
+ Local inspections and approvals submitted | 9+ weeks
+ Site prep and pre-fab home build on site | 6 weeks
+ Site prep and full gut remodel | 16 weeks
No cost to you this entire process. If we commit to building your Wally dream home, then we pay for everything and you only pay when you move in. If you change your mind, you bare no burden of cost. Wally Living will incur all costs.